
Putting together the new tPH website and looking up info on how to do that “internet radio” thang. I haven't really paid much attention to that before (surprisingly) and I stumble across live365.com I recognize the name because they're an easyDNS client. Aside from being a super high volume  domain (in terms of DNS queries) I didn't know too much about them.

Now that I look they are very cool It's just one more of a steady stream of examples to how large the world is and how little I know about it by contrast. How could I have missed this for so long? Incredible. I am after all, supposed to be up on this sort of thing.

Well here we are. I'm listening to Pwrgrrl's Punk45 radio stream. Lotsa punk classics to wind out my day before the weekend.

And its Punk45%20radio%20stream%20and%20enjoying%20a%20nice%20dose%20of%20blast-from-the-past%20punk%20rock%20before%20I%20knock%20off%20for%20the%20day.%20Live365%20is%20another%20sign%20of%20the%20times,%20just%20part%20of%20the” DMCA compliant. I love it.

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